1. To Experiment
People can be motivated to live new experiences. It is in our nature to be curious and discover things that we haven't done before. However, the risk begins from the first time you try it. It always starts with a cigarette, narguileh, or a sip of alcohol. Then it goes on to the desire to try hashish, cocaine, pills, or even heroine. All this is considered as experiencing drugs, and this scenario can turn curiosity into addiction.
2. To Fit In
Many people would use drugs because they think everyone else is doing it. Users usually fear that if they say "no" to drugs, then they would not be accepted into the group. For a majority of their time, people are trying to figure out who they are, what they want, and where they fit in. It is a tough process, but everyone has a desire to be accepted and liked. This can make saying "no" extremely difficult because they think it can lead to being laughed at, teased, humiliated, or rejected.
3. To Feel Better
The abuse makes people relieve stress, feel good, and gives them a chance to forget their problems and hurtful experiences. They start using drugs to boost their moods and increase their sense of well-being. Eventually, they would want to feel those moments over again and, would soon, find themselves unable to live without drugs.
4. To Do Better
At times, people may turn to certain drugs hoping that they will enhance and improve their performance physically, sexually, or mentally.